Monday 30 March 2015

Nikah + Kawen

Wowww !!.. Weeee !!..

Saja #throwback acah2 teringat. bila teringat maksudnyer RINDU.. bila rindu mmg dia sentiasa ada kat hati kan.. Ceeeewwaaahhh.. :p :p :p

11hb Mac 2012, rasa sekejap jer masa berlalu. pejam + celik dah 3 tahun dah tempuh mcm2 dugaan bersama, kongsi ketawa bersama, berlinang air mata bersama.. TQ Allah, atas kurniaan terhebat + terindah dalam hidup ini..

Debor !!.. Debor !!..

Perempuan tak boleh tinggal berseorangan. Bila kecil dia dibawah jagaan ayahnya. 

Bila dewasa dia dibawah jagaan suaminya. #UstAzharIdrus

Indahnya bila rasa dicintai,
Hidup ini terasa disyurga !!..

tak ingat jam berapa selesai akad nikah .. tapi yang pasti pukul 9am dah kene ada kat rumah dia.. bila tok kadi kata #SAH, rasa mcm ada amanah yg berat kat bahu nie.. Amanah yg kene jaga. Amanah yg kene tunaikan. Amanah yg InshaAllah, x akan dipersiakan.. = )

kredit to Zam + Jua : pengapit of the day!!.. 

Finally !!.. selamat dah majlis .. serius penat kahwin nie.. penat yg amat.. cukuplah kawen sekali jer kan ibu.. hehehehe !!.. (abg x mintak kawen 2 kali) .. :p :p

Saja tepek satu lagi gambar.. #terobek

Teluk Buih, Mersing. Photoshoot Outdoor kata nyer..

p/s: time ni hujan, tu yg lepak bawah pondok ni..

As I write, I'll sing this song
for the greatest love I've ever known.
To my heart, you have the only key,
I beg of you, never set me free.

I prayed to God for a love so true
now, I, realize He already knew. 
In time my prayer WAS answered, 
the most wonderful woman

What we share feels so right
to say I love you every night.
Wonderful moments shared,
precious memories, still tell me you care.

I see your shadow,
as I lay myself to sleep.
Dreams of you, oh so sweet
in my heart, I will keep.

Look into my heart, my life.
Tell me, what do you see?
can you feel the need, the want, 
as I to be your husband, you my wife.

Much joy and happiness you've brought me.
If I had life to live again, I'd want to with you,
my lover, my best friend.
Always and Forever, I'll love you till the end.

Posting Pertama !!.. Yeahhaaaa !!..


Tercapapai gak cita2 .. Mula2 macam xde kerja. Rasa nak buat blog sendiri. Belek punya belek, belajar punya belajar : ehhhh !!.. aku dah create profile as bloggers since 2011.. HAHAHAHAHA !!..

seronok?!. ye kot. boleh tulis apa yang aku nak. boleh luahkan apa yg aku rasa.. sbb blog ni mcm private sikit compare dgn FB yg friend jer dah 2000k (maybe only half yang aku kenal sbb aku main approve jer fren request + awek lawa) .. kat sini, siapa yang rajin masuk blog aku, ada la bahan bacaan ringan korang..

ok !!.. time to decide !!.. so blog Dunia Seluas Peti ni hanya akan ada:

1) Cerita Pasal Nazifah + Naim

2) Cerita Pasal kitorg berempat

3) Cerita pasal Fais Family

4) mungkin akan dipertimbangkan pertambahan cerita di masa akan datang !!.. 

Pembaca pertama yg bertuah : PM fb aku OK !!.. nnt aku bg special gift !!.. ini janji yg pasti.. Gift apa ?!. hehehehehhe.. Rahsia..

OK !!.. Happy Tuesday !!.. Happy Working !!.. Da Di Du..